By Thomas Russell
Rodney Brian sat on the edge of the bed, his large tanned hands on his bare knees. He felt a hand run over his naked back, drop down to his nude thigh, slide up to his crotch. He sighed and turned to face Giles “It’s damned nice of your folks to let me stay here with you this summer,” he said. “I don’t know what I would have done. I’m flat busted broke until I get that scholarship money in September.”
“They’re glad to do it,” said Giles, his voice betraying a slight annoyance at being distracted from his intention. “They love helping people. They think they’re the original Good Samaritans.”
“And I appreciate you asking them, too.”
“Hell, man. I didn’t ask them for you. I asked them to let you stay here for me. I can’t get enough of you, Rod. Don’t you know that by now? Or of this!”
Giles freckled hand closed around Rodney’s cock He squeezed the long, thick organ Even limp, it was of a formidable size. Giles slid the loose skin back and forth over the soft shaft and rubbed his fingertips on the broad, pink head.
Rodney liked Giles, but Giles didn’t want to do anything but have sex. Rodney wondered if he would make it through the summer in one piece.
Rodney Brian and Giles Fenton had both graduated from high school two weeks ago. All through their four years at San Jose High School they had been best friends. They had discovered their sexual interests together and had discreetly explored the horizons of this new world.
Rodney’s parents had burned to death in their sleep the night after graduation. He had been out celebrating with Giles and some other friends. When he came home early the following morning, drunk and giddy, he had encountered the smouldering ruins, the police, and the firemen. His mother and father had been a couple of drunkards, stingy and mean, but he suddenly realized how much he had loved them. They left him nothing but bills and a fifteen-year old car. Everything else had been burned up. After the initial shock, he had started laughing.
“Rod!” Giles had said, shocked at his friend’s behavior.
“I can’t help it,” Rodney had said. “This is really starting life over again, isn’t it? Like those speeches everybody makes when kids graduate—we’re out in the world, now! God, I sure am out in the world. On my ass!”
Giles had taken Rodney home with him and he had stayed there. Mr, and Mrs, Fenton had insisted that Rod live with them for the summer. In September Rod could begin collecting his scholarship money. He had won a full scholarship for tuition, books, room and board And he was guaranteed a pan time job at the college cafeteria. But he had to stay alive somehow for three months.
Rodney was not afraid of the future. He had complete confidence that he could make his way in the world. He was smarter than average, and he knew it. And he was damned good looking. The fact was that he was handsome. At six feet, he weighed a hundred and seventy pounds, and was beautifully muscled. All through high school he had been on the swimming and water polo teams. His blond hair was only moderately long, but was naturally wavy and his blue eyes were vivid and clear, like chips of blue glass reflecting the sun. He knew that a seventeen year old kid with his brains and appearance would never starve to death.
In the first place, the world was filled with guys like Giles, who fell all over themselves trying to help him. Hell, all they wanted was to go to bed with him, but he didn’t mind—if there was some thing in it for him. He had no objections to fun and games with good looking guys. And Giles wasn’t bad. He was a little skinny, but he was kind of cute, with that pug nose and those big green eyes and that mop of auburn hair And he was pretty well hung, too. So Rodney knew that he had no complaints coming. If he got free room and board for the summer with the Fentons in return for fucking around with Giles, well, it was a fair enough exchange.
Of course, Mr, and Mrs. Fenton didn’t know what was going on between the boys. They thought that Giles and Rod were just good friends. They had no idea that their precious Giles was an experienced cocksucker or that he was madly in love with Rod’s huge, white prick. He was sure that the Fentons would kick him out on his balls if they even suspected that there was any funny business going on between Giles and him. They were about the most uptight pair of parents that he had ever met. They thought that they were liberal, but they had no use for any way of life other than their own.
“Where are your parents, now, Giles?” asked Rodney.
“Relax, Rod. They’re out for the night. Some fucking party. You know, cocktails and business talk all night, until they’re all plastered. Then they try to con each other into some frigging deal. Makes me want to puke. All my dad ever thinks about is business. Anyway, they won’t be back until two or three.”
He gave Rodney’s cock another squeeze. Rodney laughed and reached around and embraced Giles, pulling him down onto the bed. Their naked bodies rolled together on the blue bedspread, and their lips met. Rod’s strong arms held Giles tightly. He knew that Giles loved to be folded in a passionate, warm embrace. Their muscular legs intertwined, the two youths hungrily pawed at each other, their burning tongues joined, their eyes squeezed tightly shut.
They were still young enough to find pleasure in their own bodies as well as in the bodies of others. As they rolled across the bed, it was difficult to tell where one youthful body began and the other ended. Their hard, firm buttocks, long, lean limbs, and lithe torsos merged in a sweaty, intense union of young lust. Groping, they clutched at each other’s sexual organs, stroking the now throbbing cocks, playing with the ripe young balls, stroking their asses, inserting fingers up tender budding anuses. Their lovemaking was fiercely athletic.
Giles wriggled around until his head was between Rod’s magnificent golden thighs, resting on his elbows. His own cock and balls hung down over Rod’s face. He opened his mouth wide and closed it around the spongy white cockhead, sucking on it hungrily. At the same time, Rod began nibbling on his hairy balls.
Giles had never seen a cock like Rodney’s. It was incredible. And it was beautiful. Long, God, it was long! And thick, and perfectly shaped. It must havebeen nearly a foot in length, because he could not begin to swallow it all, however hard he tried. Even when Rod’s cock was soft, it hung down six inches. Sucking on it when it was engorged, Giles’ mouth was grotesquely stretched out of shape. But how he loved that dick! He could never get enough of it. He loved sucking it, stroking it, jacking it off, and having it up his ass. He was fond of Rodney, but he loved the boy’s cock!
With both hands clutching the long, thick stem, Giles moved his head up and down over the heart-shaped end, sucking furiously on it. His saliva washed over it, mingling with the natural lubrication. Now, he felt Rod take his own cock into his mouth. His prick was nothing to be ashamed of, but it could not begin to match Rodney’s. He didn’t care. As long as he had Rod, he was happy.
Both boys were now sucking, at the same time fondling each other’s balls and stroking buttocks and thighs, and occasionally pinching hard nipples. The bed swayed and groaned under their exertion.
Rodney removed Giles’ prick from his mouth and ordered his friend to turn over. Slowly, Giles let Rod’s shiny cock slide out of his mouth. He sat up, straddling Rod’s chest.
“Kneel,” Rod told him. “And bend over.”
Rodney did not have to tell him twice. It hurt like hell when Rodney fucked him, but it felt good, too. That long cock touched nerves in his ass that he had not known existed. When Rod started stroking that prick in and out of his hole, he almost passed out from ecstasy.
Rodney knelt behind Giles’ ass, his hands on the boy’s hips. Giles was darkly tanned everywhere except where he had worn his bathing trunks. His ass was white and dotted with a few pink pimples. Rodney let his twitching, drooling prick nose between the young asscheeks. Giles groaned with pleasure as he felt the hot cockhead slowly working into him, pressing against his tiny roseate opening. Then Rodney dug his hands into Giles’ buttocks and spread them apart, revealing the diminutive hole. It seemed impossible that that gigantic, swollen organ could pierce that tiny hole, but it had done it before and would do it again.
Rod reached onto the chest of drawers next to the bed and picked up a tube of ointment. He squeezed out plenty and rubbed it onto his cock, and then put some on his finger. He slowly pushed his finger into Giles’ ass, lubricating the narrow tunnel very well. He let his finger play around in the hole for several minutes, slowly stretching the opening. Giles writhed with delight. Rod’s hot cock rested against Giles’ ass.
Tossing the ointment tube back onto the chest, Rod again gripped the white asscheeks and rammed his shining, greasy cock between them. The grinning cockhead pressed against the resisting orifice, and then penetrated. A quick movement of the hips and the cockhead was in. Giles moaned from the pain, trying to adjust his position to help his lover gain entry.
Slowly, methodically. Rodney began pushing and pulling, each inward thrust longer than the previous pull until half of his great stalk had disappeared into the dusky cavity. The vent was horribly distorted, and the pain was extremely intense, but Giles bit his lips and tried to relax the muscles. Once the cock was all the way in, it would be all right. The thrusting and pulling resumed, and as Giles clutched desperately at the bedding, Rod rammed all the way home.
“Oh, God’” cried Giles. “Oh, my God!”
Rodney’s muscular loins were pressed against Giles’ ass. He leaned forward over the boy. his thighs pressed against the back of Giles’ legs. His balls swung and slapped against Giles’ buttocks. He began a slow and steady fucking rhythm, in and out, in and out. Perspiration rolled off their heated bodies. The intense pressure on Rodney’s cock was exquisite. He wished that he could make the sensation last for a long time, but he always reached orgasm quickly. He felt it coming and plunged deeply in. Giles shrieked, and Rodney groaned, collapsing against his lover as he shot his seed into the narrow channel. At the same time, Giles, who had been jacking off, ejaculated, sending his cum across the blue bedspread.
“Uhhh, uhhh,” groaned Rodney. “Motherfucker!”
His head whirled and he felt as if her were falling through space. The two boys lay spent on the bed. Rodney did not want to take his cock out of Giles’ ass. He let it gradually grow smaller and slide out by itself. He lay on top of Giles, his body covering the other boy’s thinner physique. Tears of pain and ecstasy ran down Giles’ face.
“Oh. Rod, don’t move. Please don’t move.”
Just then, they heard the front door slam and heavy footsteps in the entry hall. Giles and Rodney quickly sat up.
“I thought you said that your parents Wouldn’t be back for hours!”
“I did,” said Giles, running naked across the bedroom to the window and peeking through the curtains. “Oh, it’s old ugly Frank.”
“Your brother?”
“Yeah. That’s his car out there.”
Rodney padded across the carpet and looked out the window at the car. It was a red Porsche convertible.
“Wow! Some car.”
“I guess. Frank digs going like crazy. He’s cracked up two fucking cars already. Mom says one of these days he’s gonna kill himself. Can’t be too fucking soon for me.”
Rodney chose to ignore this last remark. He was Smart enough to know that he should stay out of family rivalries.
“Guess we better get cleaned up and get dressed,” he said. “Thanks for a hell of a fuck, Giles.”
“Any time. Rod,” said Giles, slapping Rod on the ass. “And I mean it!”