Sometimes, I can take a book from start to finish in two and a half hours… and sometimes, a book goes in my “Problem File” and sits there for a couple of years–until I actually get the patience to retype the whole goddamned thing. Fuck me…
.snapped, “Let’s go downstairs and forget about what I said before; it was…” Carl and . the policeman walked to the elevator. The .bdopK^pened’and they entered^
Tl?-leaving the elevator- ahd••moving slowly f throdgh the4obby> £$rl turned to* the rookie.* \
“I likeyourasshole,flat foot.” ■ ; that; til be back-
- ; df . hot, tool!
Make ,sure you have lots of cream for my ;
* a$$R laughed the rookie ashe passed through .’The’glass. doors out onto Liberty Street-. He adjusted his hat and belt then. proceeded : Down’ the street continuing his beat as if nothin Carf; ‘wiped ; his/? J forehead of. sweat and sat down in the *
Captain’s chair in front of the building ’ entree; It’ was^midhight and all was.sticky ••
/■?■.?’ –■ ■
Mdsdditos were gliding into Manhattan-on a westerly wind from the Jersey meadows.