Messing Around with AI1 min read

Since I don’t have to depend on Amazon to get my books out there, I thought–why the hell don’t I include nudity on the cover then? The answer to that (and to all of life’s questions) was, of course… the more cocks the better. So, I almost have the next books in the Repaying Stepdad and Owned by My Boss series ready, and I wanted to see what AI could do for me.

Turns out, AI doesn’t like cock. Even the engines that are set up to allow anything… I saw settings for blowjobs, cumshots, and all sorts of other things… will not do images of only men. Fuckers.

So I’m trying to work with what I can. Some of them are awesome (because I can easily Photoshop cocks into images later), but some of this stuff it spit out… Oy.

I did NOT (and I double checked) at any point type the words “eat a dick.” 

And, though this gave me ideas for future stories… What the ever-loving fuck?

One Response

  1. Oh dear. I’ve also been fiddling with AI image generators, but even the ones I’ve found that allow NSFW are terrible the male/male content. Do you have any recommendations on the best one to use?

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