According to the Daily Mail website, this lady was house-sitting for her parents and found a box of sex toys under their bed. One of the vibrators looked huge and awesome, so, since she was a little drunk, she washed it and used it. (sounds a little gross, but I’ve done worse things sober) Since the vibrator’s shape and size was exactly what she needed, she looked for a brand name, and found… Clone A Willy.
It was a model of her dad’s cock. Publically, the internet is aghast, but–from my understanding of humans–I have a feeling the public expressions of disgust are not what’s felt privately.
Personally, I would just let Dad know we hadn’t been spending nearly enough time together and do my damnedest to get the real thing.
Oh, and I think you’ll be finding a story from Hommi with that theme soon. It sounds fuckin’ hot to me.